Management of Rectal Polyps in Children our Experience at Tertiary Care Center MTI LRH Peshawar

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Muhammad Younas Khan, Syed Asad maroof, Fayaz Iqbal, Wardah Saleem, Muhammad Shoaib, Kifayat


Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the clinical manifestations, histological characteristics, and colonoscopic findings of lower gastrointestinal polyps in children treated at MTI / LRH, Peshawar.

Methods & Material: A retrospective analysis of pediatric colorectal polyp medical records was conducted at MTI, LRH Peshawar, between January 2018 and December 2022. Totaling 563, the number of instances examined is substantial. Factors such as age, gender, family history, symptoms, polyp size, location, polyp type, and polyp-related lesions were all taken into account. Patients under 12 years old who had a EUA (Examination under anesthesia) or colonoscopy between January 2018 and December 2022 were included in this retrospective single-center research. Information on patients' ages, sexes, and polyp features was gathered from an endoscopic and histology database. Patients who had anal canal polyps or insufficient histology results were not considered. Histological subtypes of polyps include adenomatous polyps, familial adenomatous polyposis, hamartomatous polyp, lymphoid polyp, adenocarcinoma, adenoma with advanced pathology (villous morphology or high-grade dysplasia), and adenomas.

Results: The average age of the kids was 5.660.88 years old (the age range was two months to 17 years old), and there were 1.61 males for every girl. The peak occurrence was among children 2- 10 years old (85.1%). In 78.5% of instances, the first sign was bleeding in the rectal area. In 94% of instances, the polyps were isolated. The bulk of polyps was found in the rectosigmoid region (86.7%) and was considered juvenile polyps (86.3%). Only 3% of cases were found to be hereditary. Moreover, a single incidence of Turcot syndrome was found.

Conclusion: However, juvenile polyps continue to be the most frequent kind of polyp seen in children. However, many polyps at the colon's opening are significantly more frequent than a single polyp in the rectosigmoid colon. Polyps should be removed regardless of symptoms owing to their potential to progress to malignancy. In India, 4.35 percent of the population has a colon adenoma. Adenoma and adenocarcinoma of the colon are more prevalent in the left and rectum, and their prevalence increases with age and in males.

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