Management of Inguinal Hernia in Children Our Experience at Tertiary Care Center M.T.I. L.R.H. Peshawar

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Muhammad Younas Khan, Syed Asad Maroof, Fayaz Iqbal, Wardah Saleem, Muhammad Shoaib , Kifayat


Objective: To analyze and research the results of inguinal hernia surgery performed on children at MTI/LRH, Peshawar.

Methods & Material: From September 1, 2017, to August 31, 2022, 104 young patients (aged 12 and under) who had inguinal hernia surgery were included in a retrospective cross-sectional analysis. Children between 0 and 12 who had inguinal hernia surgeries between September 2017 and August 2022 were included in a retrospective cohort research to report their age and gender- specific features. Age, sex, side, term/preterm, any problem, and family history of the targeted Patients were estimated using inpatient and O.P.D. claim data from 2017 to 2022.

Results: 104 patients had open surgery, with incisions made either in a high or a low skin crease. 4.4%–8% of kids have inguinal hernias. Infants under three months old have the most inguinal hernias. Premature newborns (16-25%) have greater hernias. Eighty percent of women have a patent processus vaginalis (PPV) at birth, but this drops to six months. The processes likely cause all indirect hernias vaginalis to fail to close during fetal and neonatal development. Males had 10:1 hydroceles and 3:1 inguinal hernias. Premature babies have more hernias. 60% on the right and 10.6% on both sides impacted men and women equally. Possible explanation: men descended the right testicle after the left, whereas females did the opposite. After five months, individuals underwent surgery at 15 months on average. 11.5% are genetically linked. 10.6 males per 4 female twins. Twenty-four percent were jailed, and 3.8 percent were smothered. Arrest and strangulation were more common in infants. 53/84 of elective operations were outpatient.

Surgery had 0.9% death, 11.5% complications, and 9.6% recurrence. Symmetrical injuries worsened postoperative problems. Premature boys require inguinal hernia repairs more than females. Repairing hernias required high and low inguinal incisions.

Conclusion: The prevalence of inguinal hernias was 19 times higher in men than women. Bilaterality was seen in roughly 10.6% of instances, with a little right-side predominance. Patients typically waited five months before surgery; the median age at presentation was 15 months. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the risk factors for inguinal hernia in children, to screen them promptly, and to begin hernia surgery as soon as possible, especially in males, preschoolers, and children born prematurely.

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