Effect of Steroidal Extract of Tribulus Alatus on Semen Parameters of Albino Mice

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Praveen Goswami et al.


Objective -The use of the herb has become increasingly popular worldwide, especially in Asian countries. Herbal medicine is a major component of all indigenous people’s traditional medicines. It is generally found in ayurvedic, homeopathic naturopathic traditional oriental and Native American Indian medicine. Tribulus is used as a enhancer. It increases testosterone level in a different way however then either DHEA or Androsteronedione. The aim of our study was effect of Steroidal extract of Tribulus alatus on Semen parameters. 

 Methods-24 Adult male mice were used for study of semen quality. Mice were divided into four groups; Group I (Control) Group II (1.25 mg/kg) Group III (2.50 mg/kg) and Group IV (3.5 mg/kg) respectively.

Results-The maximum sperm motility (70.0±2.35), sperm concentration in million/ml (55.8±1.891) and live percentage (37,3± 7.58) was found in Group IV.

Conclusion -Tribulus increased  sperm count as well as motility level after 30 days and at the end of treatment showed significant enhancement in sperm concentration and motility. The increase in Testosterone level by Tribulus ultimately promotes protein synthesis. Testosterone is a positive nitrogen balancer for a rapid recuperation and recovery from muscular stress.

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