The Influence of Residents' Emotion Regulation on Mental Health during the Epidemic of COVID-19: Family Functioning as a Mediator
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To Explore the relationship between residents'family relationship, emotion regulation mode,and mental health during the epidemic of COVID-19. Method: an online survey was conducted, and 209 residents' were investigated with The FACES II-CV, ERQ, and SCL-90. Results: (1)The total score of SCL-90 of residents was significantly negatively correlated with family relationship intimacy, adaptability, and cognitive reassessment and significantly positively correlated with expressive suppression. (2)Family relationship adaptability significantly predicts the Total score of SCL-90, explaining 21.8% of the variance. (3)The two factors of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression of emotion regulation significantly predict the total score of SCL-90, accounting for a total of 8.8% of the variance. (4)The adaptability of family relationships mediates the effect of emotion regulation on mental health. Specifically, the mediating effect of family relationship adaptability on the path of cognitive reassessment factors on mental health is -0.508. The mediating effect of family relationship adaptability on the path of expression inhibitors on mental health is 0.393.