Carbon-Trade Price Influence on Carbon Regulation of Tobacco Supply Chain

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Tan Jian, Xiao Shiyun, Xiao Zhengzhong, Wang Zuogong


Carbon emissions exist in all links of tobacco SC, among whichtobacco, acetic acid tow and cigarette production are important links of cigarette carbon emission.Under the background of green economic development, it is very significant to study the coordinated development of economy and environment from the angle of tobacco SC.Carbon-trade is aneffectivechannel to realize reducing carbon emissions by using market mechanism.Take into consideration grandfathering and the goal of carbon regulation, game models of SCwith carbon trading are established. We analyze the influence of three factors including carbon-trade price, decision-making mode, technology emission reduction investment on the degree of carbon regulation and SC profits, the conclusions are verified by numerical illustration. The research shows that: without investment of technology, the three different decision-making modescarbon regulation degreeare the same. In the investment of technology emission reduction, the degree of carbon regulation is the strictest under the centralized decision-making mode while the most relaxed under the retailer led decision-making mode. Different carbon-trade prices have different effects on the investment decisions of three different decision-making modes; technology investment in decentralized decision-making is always conducive to retailer and the total profits.

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