Applied research on higher English Teaching under the background of artificial intelligence

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Jing Zhang


During a period of artificial intelligence, all walks of life make full use of Internet technical knowledge to achieve industry upgrading and transformation, and start the "artificial intelligence" mode. Recently the growth of artificial intelligence technical knowledge is becoming increasingly mature, especially in English teaching. College English teaching should seize the opportunity brought by artificial intelligence technical knowledge to realize the improvement of professional courses. And the modern teaching status derived from artificial intelligence and the traditional teaching status will be effectively integrated to build an efficient hybrid teaching mode, which promotes the reform and advancement of English education and the modernization process. This article starts from the disadvantages of higher English education mode, analyzes the opportunities that artificial intelligence technology brings to higher English teaching, and introduces the connotation of artificial intelligence technology. Then this article studies the development of AI technical knowledge in English education, and finally investigates the application of AI technical knowledge from many aspects.

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