Production and Guarantee of Governmental Short Videos under the Vision of People’s Wish for a Good Life

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Hailin Ning, Zhouyu Chen, Junwei Wang


Given that short videos have attractedextensive attention of the public, the rise of governmental short videos makes governmental new media more interactive and responsive. However, the competition of short video market is fierce. A considerable number of government agencies and public institutions lack operating experience on short video accounts. The overall influence of these short video accounts is weak, and a mechanism of short video production is necessary. From the perspective that a new era is expected to fulfill people’s wish for a good life, we suggest combining people’s wish for a good life and governmental short videos. One the one hand, this approach identifies the audience clearly and thus benefits the production of high-quality short videos; on the other hand, it helps to attract more audience and thus meets the people’s needs for a good life in the new era. Governmental short video production should focus on three aspects: sense of fulfillment, sense of happiness, and sense of safety.Production guarantee should focus on contents, platforms, and dissemination motivations.

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