Comprehensive Nursing Intervention Can Reduce Postoperative Complications and Shorten Hospital Stay of Children with Cleft Lip and Palate Repair Surgery

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Lin Du, Lei Ma, Weimin Shen, Jie Sui, Meng Zhang, Lanzheng Bian


This researchaims to probe into the impact of people-oriented comprehensive nursing intervention on children with cleft lip and palate repair surgery. Totally 112 lip cleft children who underwent surgical treatment in our hospital from June 2017 to March2019 were randomized into routine and intervention groups. Among them, 55 in the formerunderwent routine nursing intervention, and 57in the latterobtained comprehensive nursing intervention additionally. The hospital stay and complications of the two groups were observed. The hospital stay and complications in the latter were less than those in the former.Comprehensive nursing intervention can reduce postoperative complications and shorten hospital stay in children with cleft lip and palate repair surgery.

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