Trauma Surgery Insights: Demographics, Injury Patterns, AndTreatment Outcomes At LRH, Peshawar

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Viqar Aslam, Muhammad Bilal, Raza Ullah, WaqarAlam Jan, Muhammad Ayaz, Alina Zaidi


Background: Traumatic injuries remain a major cause for infirmity and death globally, presenting appreciable difficulties for health frameworks. Understanding the epidemiological profile, management approaches, and clinical results of trauma patients is pivotal for optimizing consideration conveyance and improving endurance rates. With innovations in trauma specialty methods and the appearance of creative interventions, there is a developing need to survey their effect on patient recuperation and long term results. This study expects to illuminate the socio-demographic qualities, damage examples, treatment modalities, and results of trauma patients, giving important experiences into the advancing scene of trauma consideration.

Objectives: This study was conducted to look into the demographic profile, injury seriousness, treatment modalities, and results of trauma patients, with an exceptional spotlight on surveying the adequacy of developing trauma specialty strategies in improving patient recuperation and diminishing frailty and passing.

Study design: A Retrospective Study

Place and duration of study. Department of General Surgery, Lady Reading Hospital (LRH), Peshawar, from 05-October 2020 to 05-January 2021

Methods: Electronic restorative records of trauma patients admitted during this time frame were audited. Information identifying with patient demographics, damage qualities, treatment modalities, and results were analyzed for statistical evaluation was performed utilizing proper strategies to survey the relationship between treatment methods and patient results. Ethical endorsement was acquired from the hospital Study board.

Results: Among the 250 trauma patients audited, 85% experienced effective recuperation, while 15% didn't accomplish recuperation during the study time frame. The mean age of the patients was 48.7 years, with a standard deviation of 12.4 years. Male patients represented 60% of the studypopulace, while females represented 40%. Normal damage examples incorporated breaks, head injuries, abdominal wounds, chest wounds, and soft tissue wounds. Surgical operations were directed in 80% of cases, while 20% were managed non-operationally. The normal length of hospital stay for recuperated patients was 7 days. Complication, like surgical site infections, pneumonia, DVT, and urinary track infections, were observed. Additionally, the mortality rate was 5%, essentially due to extreme traumatic brain injuries (TBI), hemorrhagic shock and multi-organ failure.

Conclusion: The major feature the effective surgical management in the greater part of trauma patients treated at LRH, Peshawar, from October 2020 to January 2021. In any case, noteworthy post-operativemortility rate underscore the continuous difficulties in trauma management. Additional exploration and execution of proof based practices are justified to streamline results and diminish complication and mortalitytrauma patients.

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