The Use of Symbolic Language and its Impact on the Construction of Human Values: A Reading of "Risale-I Nur" by Said Nursi

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Djihad Khaoula Dambri, Sarra Ouatbasse, Rima Mechouma


     This research aims to provide an analytical reading of "Risale-i Nur" El kalimat (Words and Writings) as a model of sign/symbolic language used by Said Nursi in his works in general and in particular in his interpretation of the Holy Quran. It explores the pedagogical and symbolic use of stories and proverbs to stimulate the mind and draw attention to the ethical and moral dimensions that Said Nursi seeks to instil in the hearts of both the general public and the elites, creating an ethical foundation for the morally upright individual without relying heavily on Sufi interpretive terminology. Nursi's approach is characterised by a reasonable and simplified style that can be embraced by any intellectual group, leading them to God through the messages of "Risale-i Nur". The ultimate goal is to cultivate proactive, positive and fruitful human beings who can contribute to the establishment of an Islamic nation based on the Qur'anic and Prophetic teachings, challenging the secular reality that contradicts the faith and morals of contemporary Muslims

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Author Biography

Djihad Khaoula Dambri, Sarra Ouatbasse, Rima Mechouma

Djihad Khaoula Dambri1, Sarra Ouatbasse2, Rima Mechouma3.

1Emir abdelkader science islamique Constantine (Algeria)

2Al-Zaytoonah University (Tunisia).

3University Of Batna 1 (Algeria).