Cyber-Bullying and its Relationship with Positive and Negative Thinking among School-Aged Adolescents: A Field Study on a Sample of Adolescents Studying at Abbas Laghrour Secondary School in Batna State

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Aicha Serrar


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between electronic bullying and positive and negative thinking among school-aged adolescents in Batna State, Algeria. The study used a descriptive correlational methodology and was conducted on a sample of 30 male and female high school students. The study used the Electronic Bullying Scale and the Positive and Negative Thinking Scale as research instruments.

The results showed a statistically significant correlation between the Electronic Bullying Scale and the Positive and Negative Thinking Scale among adolescents. However, the hypothesis regarding gender and educational level did not hold for both positive and negative thinking.

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Author Biography

Aicha Serrar

Dr. Aicha Serrar 1.

1University of Batna 1, El-Hadj Lakhdar,  Laboratory of Psychological Applications in the Punitive environment, University of Batna 1 (Algeria).