The Impact of Modern Media on Commercial Advertising.

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Sennour Fatima Al-Zahra


Competition law refers to the set of legal and regulatory provisions applied to institutions in their market activities, with the aim of regulating competition between them. It should be noted that the market, in the context of competition law, does not refer to the physical places where trade is carried out, but rather to the economic concept itself, as defined in Article 3 of Decree 03/03 on Competition, as amended.

Commercial advertising has requirements and principles that must be respected in light of Law 04-02, which includes rules applicable to commercial practices and how the public authority deals with deceptive commercial advertising methods, especially those related to social media networks.

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Author Biography

Sennour Fatima Al-Zahra

 Sennour Fatima Al-Zahra 1

1Professor Lecturer A, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes,‎ Faculty of Law and Political Science 19 March 1962, Specialization: Private Law - Business Law (Algeria).