Ionic Collision Broadening with in Impact Approximation in Semiclassical Plasma

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Amel Naam et al.


The line shape responds to the various interactions between the emetter and the disruptors that preceded or accompanied the emission, by broadening and/or displacement. The average value of the electronic effect is often replaced by an electronic collision operator. In this thesis, we calculate the ionic collision operator for isolted lines by neglecting the fine structure. The path of the perturber ion is taken a hyperbole whose diffusion center is the emitting ion. The average effect of these collisions is calculated at impact parameters and initial speeds according to the Maxwell (non-relativist) velocity distributions. We then consider the movement of the disruptive ion around the emitting ion. We obtained, the ion collision operator as part of the impact approximation. A set of comparisons between the electronic collision operator and the ion operator was made for different values, electronic density, spectroscopic number, and temperature.

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