Factors of Drug Addiction among Adolescents: A Case Study

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Ghania Azieze


Substance abuse and addiction among youth and adolescents constitute a public health issue, given the dangers and repercussions this behavior poses on physical and mental well-being. In this study, a review of the scientific literature on the subject is undertaken with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the contribution of psychological and familial factors to this trajectory. The results of a case study will be presented as a means to illuminate the role of these factors, identified through semi-structured interviews with a young individual undergoing addiction treatment. The study employed the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) to assess comprehension of the topic, revealing the weight of these factors as both risk and protective elements.

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Author Biography

Ghania Azieze

Ghania Azieze

Mohamed LamineDebaghine University, Setif 2, Algeria.

 Laboratory of Clinical Psychology (LPC)

Corresponding author*: g.aziez@univ-setif2.dz