The Historical and Civilisational of the Urban Heritage and the Michanisms of Revining in Algeria

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Tahar Lachibi et al.


We try through this paper to get an idea about the reality of the urban patriomony in Algeria, at the time in which we see that the Algerian cities grow randomly overspreading everything, where no urban plans have been applied as well as no civilized customs respected so we still see a lot of famous historical buildings demolished. That threatens a great part of our memory and the memory of future generations although that heritage expresses deeply what must be carefully preserved, taking  advantage of rich previous experiences by activating political urban approach, and associating within the collaborative dimension and the projection of the vertical, and the horizontal one in order to save what's left of the urban heritage in Algeria being convinced that this patrimony is one of the eminent proofs of the diversity and the variation of human thought through the ages.

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Author Biography

Tahar Lachibi et al.

Tahar Lachibi

Higher Normal School of Bouzareeah Sheikh  Mubarek al-Mili Algéria

Bachir Lorf

Messaoud Zeghar-Teacher Education College of Setif Algéria