Elaboration and Characterization of Sno2synthesis by Sol-Gel Method for PLA Polymer Reinforcement

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Rahima Zellaguı et.al


In recent years, polymer composite materials have become very attractive due to their new properties successfully derived from the combined properties of polymer compounds in a single material. These composite materials are used to reinforce polymers, in particular, to improve their physical and mechanical properties when used in additive manufacturing. In the current work, we have synthesized SnO2 powder by the solgel technique. The SnO2 powder prepared was characterized by XRD to have a structure that is polycrystalline and a grain size is around 8.08 nm, absorbance in UV-visible, FTIR to know the chemical band and the morphology of the particles is observed by the MEB. The results showed good structural and optical properties of the prepared SnO2 powder. for use as reinforcing material of PLA polymer in the future

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Author Biography

Rahima Zellaguı et.al

Rahima Zellaguı1, Fayssal Boufelgha2, Mohamed Cherif Benachour3, Heider Dehdouh4, Noureddine Brıhı5, Slimane Hadjab6 And Fayçal Labrèche7

1,2,3,4Research Center in Industrial Technologies CRTI, P.O.Box 64, Cheraga 16014, Algiers, Algeria

2,5,6,7Laboratoire Physique de la Matière Condensée et Nanomatériaux (LPMCN), Département de Physique, Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique, Université  de Jijel, 18000 Algeria

The Author’s E-mail:rahima32@hotmail.fr1, r.zellagui@crti.dz1, boufelghalem@yahoo.fr2, benachour25cherif@gmail.com3, dehdouh.heider@hotmail.fr4, nourb_brihi@yahoo.fr5,hadjebslimane18@gmail.com6, faycal_labreche@yahoo.fr7