Typology Study of Mosques in the City of Mascara during the Ottoman Period

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Omar Zaaba


It is a fact that the diversity of different environments and cultures of peoples, under the banner of Islam, has an active role in the formation of Islamic architecture in general and religious in particular, Moreover, this latter unifies all architectural achievements in all countries of the Islamic world marked with a particular style thanks to the spirituality of the Islamic religion. Due to several religious, political and environmental factors, The Ottomans in Algeria in general and in the city of Mascara in particular, produced a building that still preserves its architectural and artistic traditions, Where it is replete with mosques dating  back to the Ottoman period: The Great Mosque of  Mustafa ibn al-Tohami, The Mosque of Ain al-Bayda, The Mosque of  Abd allah bin maseud  in Al-Kart, which we aim through its stereotype study, to deepen in and know the similarities and differences in terms of its plans and components And the incoming artistic effects.

The methodology of our study is based on the plans of mosques in the city of Mascara in the Ottoman period and its architectural system. We concluded that it was built according to two styles, the local style, which is the traditional style in which the house of prayer is based on columns and pillars, and the second style is the one that came to Algeria, which is based on the central dome surrounded by domes in its side, influenced by ottoman mosques.

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Author Biography

Omar Zaaba

Dr. Omar Zaaba 1,2

1Department of History and Archeology, University of Mustapha Stambouli, Mascara, Algeria.

2Laboratory of archaeological heritage and its evaluation, Tlemcen , Algeria.

Coresponding Author: o.zaaba@univ-mascara.dz