An Insight about the Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 Protein (ST2) as Marker of Pediatric Heart Diseases

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Mohammed Abd Elraouf Abd Elhamid et. al


The Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 protein (ST2) is a member of the interleukin (IL) 1 receptor family with transmembrane (ST2L) and soluble (sST2) isoforms both are (over) expressed in various cells in different conditions and following numerous triggers such as inflammation or stress. The Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 protein (ST2) is one of the most promising   biomarkers, with an important role in numerous diseases. Twenty years ago, ST2 was first recognised as an essential factor of cell proliferation, with an influence on cancer development . Later discovery of its inflammatory and immunomodulatory action led to connection with autoimmune and other inflammatory diseases. Increased cardiac loads (increased biomechanical stress, pressure and tension of the muscular structures) due to acute or progressive heart failure (HF), myocytes, vascular structures (endothelial cells) and fibroblasts of the heart increase the expression, formation and release of both forms of ST2. In line with the growing evidence for sST2′s role in the pathophysiological mechanisms of myocardial fibrosis and heart remodelling, several clinical studies have confirmed its potential role in the management of cardiac diseases, especially of HF.

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Author Biography

Mohammed Abd Elraouf Abd Elhamid et. al

Mohammed Abd Elraouf Abd Elhamid 1, Mohammed Elsayed Hamed 1, Naglaa Ali Khalifa2, Sabry Abdel Rahman Tolba 1


1 Pediatrics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt

2 Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt

Corresponding author: Mohammed Abd Elraouf Abd Elhamid
