Development of annelids in some agricultural soils amended with dry sludge from the wastewater treatment plant of Ain Bouchekif ( Tiaret region in the northwest of Algeria)

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Fatma Bousmaha .


This study aims to determine the characteristics of sludge from the wastewater treatment plant of Ain Bouchekif (Tiaret region), as well as to be able to study the influence of this sludge on living beings (oats and earthworm). The results obtained show that the sludge did not have a significant effect on the plant (oats) but on the animal (earthworm), these results are more convincing and show a highly significant influence of the sludge on the development and growth of the earthworm with an average dose of 15%. Thus, the preferred dose for good worm development was found to be the average dose of 15% (15% mud + 85% soil). It can be seen that these slurries can be used as fertilizer with a recommendation of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.

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