Clinical Applications of Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain by 2D-Speckle Tracking Echocardiography

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Mohamed Gamal Mohamed Abd-Elmajeed Alsayed et. al


Evaluation of myocardial strain may be able to circumvent several of the LVEF measurement drawbacks when evaluating LV systolic performance. Regardless of the ultrasound beam's angle of insonation, speckle tracking echocardiography enables the measurement of myocardial strain in three different spatial directions: longitudinal, radial, and circumferential. In clinical practise, longitudinal strain is most likely the strain type most often utilised to describe LV systolic function and has significant prognostic and diagnostic roles in evaluating different myocardial diseases.

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Author Biography

Mohamed Gamal Mohamed Abd-Elmajeed Alsayed et. al

Mohamed Gamal Mohamed Abd-Elmajeed Alsayed, Mohammed Hosam Eldein Alshair, Ahmed Shawky Shereef Mahmoud

Cardiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University

Corresponding author: Mohamed Gamal Mohamed Abd-Elmajeed Alsayed
