Complications of Surgical Intervention in Management of Thoracolumbar Kyphosis

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Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed Ibrahiem, Omar Abdel Wahab Kelany, Waleed Mohamed Nafea, Mohammed Khalid Saleh


Thoracolumbar kyphosis if left untreated will lead to serious complication ranging from psychological distress due to the deformity up to life-threatening conditions of improper pulmonary function and neurological deterioration over the long term. So surgical intervention when indicated is of a great importance, but this does not come without a cost. The osteotomies around the dura and the roots and behind the great vessels of the body are very risky and require high level of skill; otherwise the patient may suffer catastrophic consequences. The rate of complications increase with 3 column osteotomies as VCR and PSO represented by Schwab as (grade 3) to (grade 6) osteotomies. Complications may be intraoperative, early postoperative or late postoperative.

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