An Insight about Tendon Transfer in Management of Radial Nerve Palsy

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Mohamed Adel Kamal Abdeen et. al


Treatment for radial nerve palsy includes a palliative tendon transfer. Direct suture or nerve grafting as a means of nerve healing are not practical or reasonable, and it can be considered only in the early stages. Functional restoration being nerve deficient alone is a strong indicator that a nerve transplant would be successful. Region is the goal rather than morphological reconstitution of the destroyed nerve (s). The aim of the current review is to summarize the principals of tendon transfer and neurotisation in radial nerve palsy.

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Author Biography

Mohamed Adel Kamal Abdeen et. al

Mohamed Adel Kamal Abdeen 1, Abdelsalam Eid Abdelsalam1, Amr Alsayed Ali2, Ahmed Mashhour Gaber1

1 Orthopedic Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt

2 Orthopedic Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Assuit University, Egypt

Corresponding author: Mohamed Adel Kamal
