Challenges of Implementing an Employee Management System Towards Improving Workplace Management Effectiveness

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Himanshu Kargeti


Implementing an employee management system constitutes a substantial endeavour aimed at augmenting the efficacy of workplace administration. Introducing a novel system necessitates employees' adaptation to unfamiliar procedures and technologies, which can elicit resistance and a reluctance to embrace the impending change. Overcoming this hurdle demands the deployment of effective change management strategies, including lucid communication, comprehensive training initiatives, and the diligent addressal of any concerns or apprehensions that employees may harbour. Numerous organizations already have an assortment of established systems and databases in place, encompassing payroll, attendance, and performance management systems, among others. The amalgamation of these disparate systems into a cohesive employee management framework poses a complex and time-consuming task that calls for meticulous planning and harmonization. Safeguarding data security and privacy also presents formidable challenges in the implementation of an employee management system. It is imperative to institute robust security measures and establish stringent access controls to mitigate the risk of data breaches and foster unwavering trust among employees. The chosen system should possess user-friendly attributes, scalability, and customizability to accommodate the distinctive needs of the organization. Conducting thorough research, engaging in vendor evaluations, and soliciting the involvement of key stakeholders are pivotal in making an astute and well-informed decision.

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Author Biography

Himanshu Kargeti

Himanshu Kargeti

Associate Professor, School of Management, Graphic Era Hill University,

Dehradun Uttarakhand India