Working Styles of Successful Managers and Business Leaders: A Theoretical Study

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Namrata Prakash


This study provides a brief overview of the working styles employed by effective managers and business leaders. It highlights essential characteristics and strategies commonly demonstrated by successful leaders across various industries and organizational contexts. The study focuses on the concept of working style, encompassing patterns of behaviour, cognitive processes, and decision-making techniques utilized by managers and leaders. Key traits associated with success include adaptability, resilience, creative thinking, effective communication, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. Drawing from established leadership theories and models such as transformational, situational, and authentic leadership, the study examines different working styles and their alignment with organizational environments, team dynamics, and industry-specific challenges. Emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and relationship-building on decision-making, conflict resolution, and the cultivation of a positive work culture are the parameters of successful managers. There is a great importance of continuous learning, career advancement, and staying updated with market trends as essential elements of effective managerial and leadership styles. Furthermore, this study indicates how risk-taking and strategic thinking contribute to the growth and success of organizations.

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