The Importance of Phonological Awareness Training in Improving Reading in a Compact Deaf Child Carrying a Cochlear Implant

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Nadjia Tigamounine


The current study aims to find out the importance of phonological awareness training in improving reading in a deaf-integrated child carrying cochlear implants, as the study was applied to a group of 15 compact deaf students with cochlear implants, aged 08 and 09 years. We used the semi-experimental approach, where the intelligence test "Ahmed Zaki Saleh" was applied in order to exclude mental disability, and we also used the reading test of the researcher "Zaddam Hadda" and the phonological awareness test of the researcher "Azdaou Chafika" A tribal application in order to prove the existence of a problem at the level of reading and phonological awareness in this category, then we applied exercises for training in phonological awareness derived from the therapeutic pedagogical protocol of the researcher "Belhouchat Karim", and then we re-applied the reading test and the phonological awareness test post-application.

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