The Legal Effect of the Nationality of the Commercial Company in International and Algerian Law

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Morsli Mohamed et. al


The idea of nationality as we understand it today, as a person's belonging to a particular state, is a modern idea. It was shaped only in the last century when Mancini declared his doctrine. Before that, the idea of nationality was not clear. Once a person belonged to a certain family, and then groups of families descended from close ancestors formed a tribe, the person became a member of a particular tribe, and the tribe evolved into a state later, and as soon as this was only for the Natural person, was it possible to conceive of a nationality belonging to the legal person which is the company.

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Author Biography

Morsli Mohamed et. al

Morsli Mohamed

University Algiers 1


Maidi Hadjer

University Algiers 1


Amouri Nassima

University Algiers 3

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