Effect of Computer-based Educational Games for improving Self-Efficacy of Children with Hemophilia

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Doaa Gharieb Moustafa et al.


Background: Hemophilia is one of the chronic illnesses affecting children due to deficiency of certain coagulation factors causing frequent bleeding which may lead to pain, arthropathy, joint degeneration, functional limitations, and disablement., Chronically ill children have less chances for healthy play with negative impact on their personal development. Aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of educational games for improving the self-efficacy in children with hemophilia. Subjects and Methods: Research design: Aquasi-experimental study design with pre-post assessment was used to achieve the aim of the study. Study Subjects: a sample study on 50 children with hemophilia aged 6-12 years old during 2022. Setting: The study carried out in the hematology unit at the Health Insurance Organization Hospital (Al-Mabarrah). Tools of data collection: Part 1: covered the socio-demographic characteristics of the children with hemophilia and their parents. Part 2: for collecting the details of the hemophilia illness. Part 3: assessment of the awareness of the children regarding hemophilia. Part 4: consisted of the self-efficacy scale questionnaire in children with hemophilia.  Results: Based on the findings of this study Hemophilia was mostly diagnosed at <1 year age (76.0%) All children had bleeding episodes, mostly due to severe injury (52.0%) and dental work (32.0%). The elbow was the most common site (46.0%), and the effect on joint movement was mostly high (92.0%).Only 40.0% of children were on regular medication, and 86.0% had a weekly hospital visit. Significantly more children with low self-efficacy were among those having unsatisfactory awareness. Only 20.0% of children had high pre-intervention self-efficacy. Conclusion: The implementation of an educational intervention based on children’s identified needs and using computer-based games, is effective in improving their awareness of the disease as well as their related self-efficacy. Recommendations: The use of computer-based gaming should be widely used in the education of children with hemophilia to train them in self-management through improving their self-efficacy. Further research is proposed to assess the long-term effects of training using computer-based gaming on the prognosis and outcomes of children with hemophilia and to assess the usefulness and applicability of training using computer-based gaming in other chronic diseases

Article Details

Author Biography

Doaa Gharieb Moustafa et al.

Doaa Gharieb Moustafa (1), Amany Sobhy Sorour (2),Sabah Abdou Aly Hagrass(3)
(1) M.Sc. Nursing, Zagazig University–(2)Professor of Community Health Nursing-Faculty of Nursing- Zagazig University,(3)Assistant Professor  of Community Health
Nursing- Faculty of Nursing -Zagazig University. Egypt.

Corresponding author: Doaa Gharieb Moustafa

E.mal: ghariebdoaa@gmail.com