Solving a task scheduling problem in systems based on fog calculations by presenting a prohibiting search base metaheuristic algorithm

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Nowadays, due to the expansion of communications, the volume of data has increased and subsequently there is more need to enhance the speed of accountability. Large volume of data processing will require processing infrastructure as well as higher storage, which is quite expensive. In this study, we aim to reduce the response time and reduce the cost of cloud computing and fog. One of the most significant issues in this matter is the issue of resource allocation. So, we can achieve load balance in addition to the increase level of productivity. The prohibited search has turned it into a new metaheuristic method among the various metaheuristic methods, due to its great expansion in various optimization problems as well as the characteristics of memory and high speed. So, higher performance can be compared to similar algorithms. In the current study, a new metaheuristic method is proposed which is optimized by the nearest neighbor algorithm.

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