Verbal Communication to Improve the Language Communication Skills of Student’s Information and Communication Science

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Kahina Berkoune


Within the framework of our research, we dealt with the subject “Verbal communication to perfect the language communication skills of CIS students”, in this context we found that verbal communication is considered as any formal understanding of language, which needs communication skills such as listening, speaking, writing, etc., necessary to take over as transmitter and receiver of messages of all kinds. This allows us to foster exchange and learning, and to build international partnerships and conventions in today's world. The main objective of our study is to identify the role of verbal communication in the development of language communication skills of CIS students in the University of BATNA, and to complete our study we have chosen the quantitative method with the technique questionnaire that contains open and closed questions. Our parent population includes 215 first-year CRP master's students and after applying "non-probability" sampling, we had 73 samples, and according to the final results of the study and the responses of our respondents, we found that verbal communication is useful and effective in the ranks of first year master students in order to strengthen the relationship between them because all that comes first is the art of communicating, and more the linguistic exchange and the punctuation of exchange that values language communication skills and improves through deciphering and comprehension, therefore CIS students meta-communicate in the position of verbal communication as it is an extension of meta linguistics (speech), in end it is possible to cause disturbance between CIS students in the presence of duality in communication.

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Author Biography

Kahina Berkoune

Kahina Berkoune,

University Of Batna 1 - Hadj Lakhdar (Algeria)